sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2015


The fossil fuel power plants are always installed at the sides of rivers and lakes because they need too much water for consumption and use. The consumption of water by a coal fired power plant of 600 MW is about 3.5 l/kWh. Thus,

3.5 l/kWh x 600000 kWh = 2,100,000 l/h = 50,400,000 l/d = 1,512,000,000 l/m!

I said “consumption”, which super heated steam is thrown to the atmosphere and not “use of water”, which one returns very heated to the reservoir. 

If one drop of water is thrown to the air, one drop of water will come back, but the fossil fuel power plants, industries, vehicles, etc, do not release only millions of tons of water to the atmosphere, but also tons of particulate matter and much heat per hour. We can take these numbers to illustrate what they can generate in the atmosphere, as already demonstrated in Sartori (2012; 2015).      
Fig. 1
Figure 1 shows how the nature or the atmosphere worked before the actions of certain human activities. There was natural evaporation with its natural velocity and natural formation of clouds and precipitation, according to the natural evaporation velocity and other natural factors. The natural or conventional water cycle worked. And the ventilation was good.

Fig. 2

Then appeared industries, fossil fuel power plants, nukes, vehicles, etc, which ones started throwing millions of tons of water vapor to the air around the globe at every instant. Then the formation of clouds started not depending on the natural evaporation, because these agents started to release more water vapor, particulate matter and heat to the air and more rapidly than the natural cycles can do. Then, the cloud cover started to increase and then more raining and floods started to happen, with irregular spatial and temporal distributions. Then the New Hydrological Cycle, discovered by Sartori, started to work (Fig. 2). This is not only theory, but also well demonstrated and justified with real data and mathematical calculations in Sartori (2012; 2015). And such as the wind disappears from a surface when we cover it, so the wind reduces due to the greater closing by clouds and this happened in some places of the world. For example, the population of China refers to the “disappearing winds” – see Sartori (2012). And greater closing corresponds to an airless environment, increased temperature (this one depends on the transparency of clouds) and warming for the people. And the evaporation decreases.         

Fig. 3

However, since the fossil fuel power plants, industries, vehicles, burnings, etc, also throw  millions of tons of solid particles in the air, a time arrives when there is a limit of saturation for the water vapor, particulates and heat to form clouds and rain and then the solid particulates in excess accumulate in the atmosphere and create a solid “barrier” in the air, with consequent less clouds and less rain and more droughts in uncertain periods and places (Fig. 3).  

Since the power plants, nukes and industries also throw a lot of heat in the air besides water and particulates, extra heat generates clouds, rain and strong winds, which ones can generate storms, tornadoes and hurricanes.

And the CO2 has nothing to do with global warming, floods, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

By this way I did a summary of the Sartori theory that describes correctly the working principles of the atmosphere and of climate changes caused by certain human activities..

More info:  (in Portuguese)


1) Sartori, E. (2015). Climate Changes: How the Atmosphere Really Works. Open J. of Applied Sciences, V. 5, No.4. 

2) Sartori, E. (2012). The Physical Principles Elucidate Numerous Atmospheric Behaviors and Human-Induced Climatic Consequences, Open J. of Applied Sciences, V. 2, No. 4.